
Ecco le più belle fotografie dell’anno, vincitrici del Sony World Photography Awards 2014

Il Sony World Photography Awards del 2014 ha finalmente pubblicato i vincitori di questo concorso mondiale. Quest’anno, 139.554 immagini da 70.000 partecipanti sono riusciti ad entrare in gara.

La competizione si divide in 4 sezioni principali: Professional, Open, Student e Youth. Ogni categoria è piena di incredibili fotografie che vengono inserite anche in sotto categorie. Vale sicuramente la pena dare un’occhiata al vincitore e alle gallerie dei finalisti, perché qualsiasi sia il vostro tipo preferito di fotografia, la troverete. E qualunque sia la categoria o sotto categoria, potrete essere sicuri che sono alcune delle migliori foto in assoluto che siano state scattate nell’ultimo anno.

Diversi vincitori sono stati nominati per le categorie Open, Youth e National Award, e sono stati pubblicati i finalisti delle categorie Professional e Student. I vincitori finali verranno annunciati alla cerimonia del Sony World Photography Awards il 30 Aprile. I più bravi riceveranno delle fotocamere Sony A6000, e i vincitori di ciascuna categoria riceveranno anche un biglietto aereo per partecipare alla cerimonia solenne che si terrà a Londra. L’Open Photographer of the Year riceverà un premio in denaro di 5.000 dollari.

Le competizioni fotografiche internazionali sono sempre una grande opportunità per osservare un’eclettica selezione delle migliori foto al mondo.

Vincitori nella categoria Open

Enhanced category: “Rescue Operation” by Kylli Sparre, Estonia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Smile category: “Muddy smile” by Alpay Erdem, Turkey, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Panoramic category: “Starry Lighthouse” by Ivan Pedretti, Italy, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Architecture category: “Under the staircase” by Holger Schmidtke, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Split Second category: Untitled by Hairul Azizi Harun, Malaysia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Nature & Wildlife category: “The cold pony” by Gert van den Bosch, Netherlands, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


People category: “Poor god” by Arup Ghosh, India, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Arts & Culture category: “Rodeo” by Valerie Prudon, France, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

Vincitori nella categoria Youth


Portraits category: Untitled by Paulina Metzscher, Germany, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Environment category: “Life and Line” by Turjoy Chowdhury, Bangladesh, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Vincitori nella categoria National

Culture category: Anastasia Zhetvina, Russia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Culture category: Anastasia Zhetvina, Russia, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Singapore National Award: “What are you staring at !?” by Chin Boon Leng, Singapore, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Honk Kong National Award: “Fire Dragon” by Chi Hung Cheung, 2nd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Nordics National Award: “Exit” by Michael Nordqvist, Sweden, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Hong Kong National Award:  ”Jump of Life” by Cheung Lai San, Hong Kong, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Thailand National Award: “Children Day” by Suthas Rungsirisilp, Thailand, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Vietnam National Award: “Tin Oven Builders” by Minh Ngo Thanh, Vietnam, 3rd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


China National Award: Untitled by Minwei Yan, China, 3rd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Peru National Award: “Smiles in the Cemetery” by Milko Torres Ramirez, Peru, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Nordics National Award: “Lightning” by Lise Sundberg, 3rd place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


South Korea National Award: “Ripples in the calm lake” Dowon Choi, Korea, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


United Kingdom National Award: “The Calm Before the Storm” by Sean Batten, United Kingdom, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Poland National Award: “The inhabitant of Szack of Ukraine and her horse” by Mateusz Baj, Poland, 1st place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


China National Award: “Horse fighting in Rongshui, Guangxi” by Ngai-bun Wong, China, 2nd Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Australia National Award: “Going Home” by Neville Jones, Australia, 1st Place, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

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